Creating a Webservice

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This tutorial presents a workflow for creating a webservice for TCF processing. It assumes you have the following software installed:

Importing a Maven Archetype

Open a maven repository browser by openning:

Window -> Other -> Maven Repository Browser


Go to the "Maven Repository Browser" window and click "Add Repository", then fill in the following information:

Finish by pressing "Add"


In "Maven Repository Browser window expand the "Clarin Repo" you've just added. You'll see a list of available artifacts. Find a group named "eu.clarin.weblicht". In this group there is an artifact called "weblicht-webservice-archetype". Download this artifact by right clicking it's most recent version number and selecting "Download" in the menu.


Once the archetype has been downloaded, we can start using it at once. Press the "New Project" button in the menu bar and select: Maven -> Project From Archetype


In the next screen expand the "Archetypes from Local Repository" branch and then select "WebLicht Webservice Archetype"


Provide a name for your project, a directory to store it in as you would normally do with any NetBeans project. In addition you have a possibility to provide a group name for your maven artifact and a package name you would like to use.
