Wissenschaftliche Aufsätze / Vorträge
- Volker Boehlke: A prototype infrastructure for D-Spin-Services based on a flexible multilayer architecture. Vortrag und Publikation: Text Mining and Services, Leipzig, März 2009 (Download PDF)
- VolkerBoehlke: A Generic Chaining Algorithm for NLP Webservices. Workshop on Web Services and Processing Pipelines in HLT (LREC 2010)
- Daan Broeder, Marc Kemps-Snijders, Dieter Van Uytvanck, Menzo Windhouwer, Peter Withers, Peter Wittenburg and Claus Zinn: A Data Category Registry- and Component-based Metadata Framework. Paper presented at LREC 2010, Malta.
- Fabienne Fritzinger, Max Kisselew, Ulrich Heid, Andreas Madsack, Helmut Schmid: Werkzeuge zur Extraktion von signifikantenWortpaaren als Web Service. Paper presented at: GSCL Symposium Sprachtechnologie und eHumanities, Duisburg, 26-27 Februar 2009 (Link)(Download PDF)
- Gertrud Faaß, Ulrich Heid, Helmut Schmid: Design and application of a Gold Standard for morphological analysis: SMOR in validation. Poster bei LREC-2010.
- Ralf Gehrke: TITUS: datenbank- und internetorientierte Konzepte. In: Hofmeister: Wege zum Text. Überlegungen zur Verfügbarkeit mediävistischer Editionen im 21. Jahrhundert. Grazer Kolloquium 17.-19. September 2008. Tübingen Niemeyer 2009.
- Erhard Hinrichs, Verena Henrich, Thomas Zastrow: Sustainability of Linguistic Data and Analysis in the Context of a Collaborative eScience Environment. Paper presented at LREC 2010, Malta.
- Erhard Hinrichs et al: WebLicht - Web-based LRT services for German. Presentation and abstract for the "Workshop on Linguistic Processing Pipelines", GSCLPotsdam (2009).
- Marie Hinrichs, Thomas Zastrow and Erhard Hinrichs WebLicht: Web-based LRT Services in a Distributed eScience Infrastructure. Paper presented at LREC 2010, Malta.
- Ulrich Heid, Fabienne Fritzinger, Erhard Hinrichs, Marie Hinrichs and Thomas Zastrow: Term and Collocation Extraction by Means of Complex Linguistic Web Services. Paper presented at LREC 2010, Malta.
- Ulrich Heid, Helmut Schmid, Kerstin Eckart and Erhard Hinrichs: A Corpus Representation Format for Linguistic Web Services: The D-SPIN Text Corpus Format and its Relationship with ISO Standards. Paper presented at LREC 2010, Malta.
- Lothar Lemnitzer, Erhard Hinrichs, Andreas Witt: Language Resources, Taxonomies and Metadata. Paper presented at: Text Mining and Services, Leipzig, März 2009 (Download PDF)
- Lothar Lemnitzer: CLARIN European Demonstrator - C4 Use Case. Präsentation, 22.02.2010
- Helmut Schmid: The technical details of the D-SPIN Architecture (Internal technical report 2009)(Download PDF)
- Andreas Witt, Ulrich Heid, Felix Sasaki, Gilles Serasset: Multilingual Language Resources and Interoperability, erscheint in: Language Resources and Evaluation (2009) [= Einleitung zum Themenheft der Zeitschrift].
- Peter Wittenburg, Nuria Bel, Lars Borin, Gerhard Budin, Nicoletta Calzolari, Eva Hajicova, Kimmo Koskenniemi, Lothar Lemnitzer, Bente Maegaard, Maciej Piasecki, Jean-Marie Pierrel, Stelios Piperidis, Inguna Skadina, Dan Tufis, Remco van Veenendaal, Tamas Varadi and Martin Wynne: Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure. Paper presented at LREC 2010, Malta.
- Thierry Declerck, Antonia Scheidel and Piroska Lendvai: Proppian Content Descriptors in an Augmented Annotation Schema for Fairy Tales. In: Caroline Sporleder and Kalliopi Zervanou (Eds.): Proceedings of the ECAI 2010 Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities. IOS Press, 2010.
- Piroska Lendvai, Thierry Declerck, Sandor Daranyi and Scott Malec: Propp Revisited: Integration of Linguistic Markup into Structured Content Descriptors of Tales. In: Digital Humanities 2010. Oxford University Press, 2010.
- Yoshihiko Hayashi, Thierry Declerck and Chiharu Narawa: LAF/GrAF-grounded Representation of Dependency Structures. LREC 2010 - 7th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference.
- Piroska Lendvai, Thierry Declerck, Sandor Daranyi, Pablo Gervas, Raquel Hervas, Scott Malec and Federico Peinado: Integration of Linguistic Markup into Semantic Models of Folk Narratives: The Fairy Tale Use Case. In: Nicoletta Calzolari, Khalid Choukri, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis, Mike Rosner and Daniel Tapias (Eds.): Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10).
- Thierry Declerck, Antonian Scheidel: An Information Extraction Approach to the Semantic Annotation of Folktales, Proceedings of the First International AMICUS Workshop, 2010, Vienna
- Antonia Scheidel, Thierry Declerck: APftML - Augmented Proppian fairy tale Markup Languag, Proceedings of the First International AMICUS Workshop, 2010, Vienna
- Thierry Declerck, Kerstin Eckart, Piroska Lendvai, Laurent Romary, Thomas Zastrow. Towards a standardized linguistic annotation Standardised Linguistic Annotation of Fairy Tales, proceedings of the LRT standards workshop at LREC 2010
- Thierry Declerck, Antonia Scheidel and Piroska Lendvai. An Integrated Annotation Schema for Folktales. In: Caroline Sporleder, Antal van den Bosch, and Kalliopi A. Zervanou (Eds.): Language Technology for Cultural Heritage: Selected Papers from the LaTeCH Workshop Series. 2010.
Kurzdarstellungen des Projekts
- Christina Bankhardt: D-SPIN - Eine Infrastruktur für Deutsche Sprachressourcen. In Sprachreport Heft 1/2009 (25. Jg.)
- Alexander Geyken und Wolfgang Klein: Deutsche Sprachressourcen-Infrastruktur. In: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Hg.): Jahrbuch 2008. Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2009.
- Erhard Hinrichs, Peter Wittenburg, Lothar Lemnitzer and Alexander Geyken : D-SPIN - the German CLARIN initiative. In: CLARIN Newsletter #2 (Download PDF)
- Kurzbericht im Newsletter 1/2009 des Zentrums für Medien und Interaktivität der Universität Gießen (Link)
CLARIN/D-SPIN Papers/Reports
- Daan Broeder, Malte Dreyer, Marc Kemps-Snijders, Andreas Witt, Marc Kupietz, Peter Wittenburg: Persistent and Unique Identifiers. CLARIN-Deliverable D2.2
- R1.2a: Progress Report of the project and the various working packages (M12, Universität Tübingen)
- R1.2b: Progress Report of the project and the various working packages - Year 2 (M24, Universität Tübingen)
- R1.3: Schlussbericht (M36, Universität Tübingen)
- R2.1: Formation of Centres (M12, MPI Nijmegen)
- R2.2: The German Resource Landscape and a Portal (M24, MPI Nijmegen)
- R2.3: Integration of German Resources into the Registry, Selection of Typical Workflows, and Implementation of Typical Basic Services (M36, MPI Nijmegen)
- R3.1: Initial Requirements Analysis (M12, BBAW Berlin)
- R3.2+4.1: Liaison Report and Roadmap (M24, BBAW Berlin / MPI Nijmegen)
- R3.3: Case Studies and User Requirement Analysis - Intermediate Report (M24, BBAW Berlin / Universitäten Frankfurt / Gießen)
- R3.4: Case Studies -- Final Report (M36, BBAW Berlin)
- R4.2: Final Report on liaison activities with other projects and initiatives (M36, MPI Nijmegen)
- R5.1: Guidelines for the standard-conformant adaptation and creation of language resources (M12, Universität Tübingen)
- R5.2: Documentation of the D-SPIN preparation activities (M24, Universität Tübingen)
- R5.3+5.4: Documentation of the Web Services and Final Report (M36, Universität Tübingen)
- R6.1: Training materials and guidelines for their application (M24, Universitäten Frankfurt / Gießen)
- R6.2: Help Desk Concept (M36, University of Gießen)
- R7.1: Legal Aspects in the Provision of Language Resources (M12, IDS Mannheim)
- R7.2: German Localization of CLARIN Model Agreements (M24, IDS Mannheim)
- R7.3: Initial Localisation of CLARIN Best Practices and Business Models -- updated and new Model Agreements and Guidelines (M36, IDS Mannheim)
Dokumentation von D-SPIN-Veranstaltungen