Annotation Viewer
From WebLichtWiki
The visual web-application offers the user an opportunity to view the linguistically annotated data online after the WebLicht tool-chain processing. It can be used as part of WebLicht web-application or as a separate web-application (in the latter case the user should already have his data in TCF format). The visual web-application is integrated into the WebLicht web-application in the following way: after the user runs a tool/tools represented as tool boxes in WebLicht user interface, additional icons appear inside those tool boxes.
Tool boxes after the user runs the tool chain. Here additional icons appear inside a tool box:
The icon with a tree structure offers the user an opportunity to view the processed data in the annotation viewer:
The text is displayed as raw text:
The sentences are displayed in a table one sentence per cell:
The tokens, lemmas, part-of-speech tags and other annotations that can be in-lined with tokens are displayed in an in-lined to token ids table:
Phrase structure parsing and dependency parsing have special graphical representations and can be viewed as trees. Each parsed sentence is displayed on separate page. The user can navigate to the next/previous page, or to the particular page number: |