Use Cases and Examples
From WebLichtWiki
Contents |
Use Cases
Logging in to WebLicht
In the following video will learn how to:
- Initiate Shibboleth Authentication from WebLicht web page
- Choose an identity provider
- Log-in using CLARIN identity provider
Building a Simple Tool Chain in WebLicht
In this video you will learn how to:
- Use the sample input as a starting point for your tool chain
- Discover and add available tools to the tool chain
- Set parameters for the tools in your tool chain
- Build a tool chain to produce lemma and part=of-speech tag annotation layers
- Running tool chains
- Using the output of tool chains
Executing a CQP Query in WebLicht
In the next video you will learn how to
- Editing an input CQP query
- Select a tool from a developmental tool set
- Configure the CQP query tool
- Create a corpus using a CQP query
- View the resulting corpus in the annotation viewer